Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011




Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Usul Emoticon Baru ahhh....

Emoticon di atas termasuk japanese style dalam kelas emoticon.
Lucu juga :)


Cepet atau lambat, tetep bakal bilang, kalo aja ada waktu -.-
masalahnya kita bisa nunggu, tapi waktu???
hahaha, yaa, sudahlahhh. :')

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

What About This??

Kayaknya ini deh kegiatan selama liburanku :P
nb : lupa g pake tm, Filenya lg corrupt --a

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011


hehehe, sibuk nih gan :P

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Coba Posting Text ;D

Pernah ada temen yang bilang kalo post ane musti design melulu. Nih, ane coba post text dueh


" Today i wake up in the morning, open my window feel the wind blow.
I realize that really had to go for my better day tomorow.
My momma said you do not worries son, leave your problem left behind, think positive on your mind, but still struggle in this line "

" Long time ago i made a big mistake. Then everything being goes wrong. I screw my mind and got damn so bored doing nothing and just waiting in pain. I try to walk as far as i can do, forget the past and get more wise. The pain will fade as the time goes by and thats my father always say’s. "


thank you for all that you give to me
Now, i will let the pain goes by with the time


keep spirit